Current Copyright Law Doesn't Support Innovation | Irish Bentley Laywers
+61 7 3229 4060

Deloitte’s Report of Copyright in the Digital Age (2018) has found that “Australia’s current copyright system does not support innovation as much as it could” and concludes with a recommendation that “a transition to fair use would have net benefits, enabling innovation, encouraging new forms of creative endeavour and providing a more flexible and responsive legal regime so Australia can make the most of opportunities provided by the digital age.”

The Report sensibly notes the proposal to introduce “fair use” principles in Australian copyright law has previously been endorsed by both the ALRC in its 2013 Copyright and the Digital Economy Report and in the Productivity Commission’s 2016 IP Arrangements report.

Read the Report at:

Irish Bentley Lawyers have significant experience in intellectual property law. We have been successfully involved in a number of copyright disputes, within Australia and internationally. We are able to assist at the onset of a future business endeavour and at all stages of infringement action.

Please note that the above does not constitute legal advice and Irish Bentley Lawyers make no representations or warranties as to the accuracy of any of the information contained herein. If you have a copyright issue, then please do not hesitate to contact the team at Irish Bentley Lawyers – there is no substitute for proper legal advice based on your individual and unique circumstances.

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