Whenever a dependant applies for a new visa, the whole of the applicant’s visa history will be closely investigated.
Visa cancellation can be activated if the primary visa holder decides to ditch the original dependant partner who holds a secondary visa.
You need to take extra care when a former dependant applies for a new visa with a partner who is not the original visa partner.
Indeed, if there is any “chequered” history, you should assume the next visa application will be scrutinized.
It is always wise to engage a professional to address any previous concerns raised by the Department of Home Affairs, especially in visa applications that involve past visa overstays, cancellations or refusals.
The need for representation is even greater if you have visa history in Australia, as that also means you have provided details which are on record, and you need to ensure all details provided in the future are consistent.
At The Migration Place, we specialise in fixing broken applications, so if you have history that deserves the TMP “special touch”, please call or email us on +61 7 3229 4025 or mail@themigrationplace.com .